Bishop Stepan Sus made a pastoral visit to Estonia

November 15, 2023, 16:41 44

During November 11–14, Bishop Stepan Sus, head of the Pastoral Migration Department of the UGCC, was in Estonia on a pastoral visit, as it was reported on the Facebook page of the Pastoral Migration Department.

Bishop Stepan Sus made a pastoral visit to Estonia

The visit began on Saturday, November 11, with a meeting with children and teachers of the Saturday catechetical school, which is part of the parish of the Mother of God of the Trinity of the UGCC in Tallinn. Afterward, he administered the Sacrament of Baptism to the youngest parishioner of the community. On the same day, a meeting was held with Mr. Volodymyr Palamar, Chairman of the Association of Ukrainian Organizations in Estonia.

The Saturday afternoon concluded with a meeting with active members of the parish who help arrange the parish life of the community, as well as coordinate humanitarian aid for Ukraine and people who were forced to move to Estonia.

On November 12, Bishop Stepan, in concelebration with parish administrator Fr. Roman Kikh, presided over two Divine Liturgies at the Church of the Mother of God of the Three Hands attended by many faithful, including recently arrived Ukrainians. “On this day, we honor the memory of the holy martyr Josaphat Kuntsevych, Archbishop of Polotsk, an apostle of unity and prayer. St. Josaphat, pray for your Ukrainian people, their unity, and courage in times of trial. Pray for victory and a just peace for us!” the bishop addressed the faithful.

Bishop Stepan also met with with Mr. Maksym Kononenko, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the Republic of Estonia. The Ambassador thanked the PMD chairman for the presence of the Ukrainian Church in Estonia, its proactive spiritual care of Ukrainians and its sustainable humanitarian assistance to Ukraine.

During a meeting with Bishop Philippe Jourdan, Apostolic Administrator of Estonia, Bishop Stepan expressed gratitude for the cooperation and constant concern for Ukrainians living in Estonia and for the temporarily displaced persons who arrived in the country in the wake of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. The parties discussed the state of pastoral care in Tallinn and Tartu and the potential for opening two more communities in Estonia.

The visit concluded with a meeting with Ms. Vira Konyk, the head of the Ukrainian Congress of Estonia.

The UGCC Department for Information

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