I read all your names and requests for three hours, - Bishop Stepan Sus celebrated the Liturgy in the Church o of the Holy Sepulchre

October 29, 2022, 19:37 35

On Saturday, October 29, the head of the Pastoral and Migration Department of the UGCC, Bishop Stepan Sus, celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the vestibule of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. During his pastoral visit to Israel, the bishop met with the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem and the Custos of the Holy Land.

I read all your names and requests for three hours, - Bishop Stepan Sus celebrated the Liturgy in the Church o of the Holy Sepulchre

After the morning prayer in the church built on the site of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Bishop Stepan congratulated the Ukrainian worshipers, particularly the soldiers, whom he thanked for having written their intentions for prayer under his post on Facebook the day before.

However, the bishop noted that the primary intention of the Eucharistic prayer is for the end of the war and peace in Ukraine. “Today we prayed for peace in Ukraine, victory, and for the war to end. We prayed for our soldiers, those who are wounded, in captivity, and those who are at the front today. They prayed for all of us. Everyone has their front today. May the Lord protect us all! You and I are on the side of truth. We will win and return peace to our country. May the Lord hear us all so that we may genuinely feel his daily presence in our lives,” said Bishop Stepan and gave the bishop’s blessing.

Зустріч владики Степана Суса з латинським Патріархом Єрусалима П'єрбаттіста ПіццабаллаЗустріч владики Степана Суса з латинським Патріархом Єрусалима П'єрбаттіста Піццабалла

Short after the Liturgy in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the head of the Pastoral and Migration Department of the UGCC met with the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Archbishop Pierbattista Pizzaballa. The bishops discussed the issue of assistance to Ukrainian migrants living in Israel and the pastoral care of Ukrainian Greek Catholics.

Зустріч владики Степана Суса з кустодом Святої Землі о. Франческо ПаттономЗустріч владики Степана Суса з кустодом Святої Землі о. Франческо Паттоном

On October 28, Bishop Stepan Sus held a meeting with the Custos of the Holy Land, Fr. Francesco Patton. He described the activities of the Pastoral Migration Department and the state of affairs in the countries under the department's care where there are still no hierarchical structures of the UGCC. The head of the PMV thanked Fr. Franciskov for accepting two Franciscan monks from Ukraine, who have been taking care of the faithful of the UGCC in Israel for the seventh year.

The UGCC Department for Information

by the materials of the Pastoral and Migration Department of the UGCC

See also