“Let the candle lit in all corners of the world by conscious Ukrainians in memory of hunger victims be a beacon of hope for Ukraine, now and always!”: Head of the UGCC

September 15, 2023, 21:01 68

On September 15–17, 2023, the Ukrainian Genocide Famine Foundation-US is organizing a three-day commemoration of the 90th anniversary of the Ukrainian genocide of 1932–1933 to mark the greatest tragedy of the Ukrainian people. The Father and Head of the UGCC, His Beatitude Sviatoslav, thanked all members of the Foundation for their tireless work in revealing the truth to the world about the great famine that the Ukrainian people suffered almost a century ago.

 “Let the candle lit in all corners of the world by conscious Ukrainians in memory of hunger victims be a beacon of hope for Ukraine, now and always!”: Head of the UGCC

“Your scientific conferences awaken the conscience of modern people for whom it is difficult to understand how the hardworking Ukrainian people could die of starvation in millions on such a fertile land,” His Beatitude Sviatoslav addressed the events’ participants. “You explain to the world community, especially American scholars, that Ukrainians were deliberately destroyed for fear of their love of freedom and patriotism.”

The Primate stated that the system led by Stalin tried to subdue Ukrainians through artificial famine, which killed millions, and also recalled that Metropolitan Andrey, feeling the pain of the people, not only wrote the glorious message “Ukraine in Death Throes,” which jolted the consciousness of foreign society at the time, but also organized humanitarian aid for brothers from Greater Ukraine. Thanks to many courageous witnesses of the truth about the Motherland and its Calvary, we can speak at the state level about the genocide of our people, and the whole world recognizes this truth.

A visible sign of our unwavering position is the National Museum of the Holodomor Genocide in Kyiv, which the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church also contributed to.

“Today, as we prayerfully commemorate all those who died a martyr’s death from artificial famine, we want to testify to the whole world that we do not forget the pain of any Ukrainian. We not only pray but also condemn the actions of the misanthropic Soviet system, speaking loudly: ‘We know the truth about the Holodomor, we remember everything and the world recognizes it…’ the Head of the UGCC emphasized.

His Beatitude Sviatoslav noted that today, in a time of full-scale war, the Russian aggressor pursues the same goal as during the artificial famine — the destruction of the Ukrainian people. However, we courageously testify before the world: Ukraine is fighting, praying, and winning!


In 2002, a group of Chicago-based diaspora members established the Ukrainian Genocide Famine Foundation-US. Their task was to disseminate information about the Holodomor in Ukraine in 1932–1933 and the genocide of the Ukrainian people.

The UGCC Department for Information

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