The Feast of the Descending of the Holy Spirit in Brisbane (Australia)

May 20, 2024, 20:59 55

On Sunday, May 19, Bishop Mykola Bychok, Eparch of Melbourne, visited the Parish of the Protection of the Mother of God in Brisbane.

The Feast of the Descending of the Holy Spirit in Brisbane (Australia)

On this joyful day, the Feast of the Descending of the Holy Spirit, Bishop Mykola arrived in Brisbane to pray with the local faithful. The bishop presided over the Divine Liturgy, during which he was co-served by Fr. Stefan Sapun, administrator of the parish of the Protection of the Mother of God.

During his homily, Bishop Mykola reflected on the gifts that the apostles received after the Descending of the Holy Spirit and reminded the faithful: “The Holy Spirit descended on each of us through the Holy Sacrament of Confirmation. Thanks to this, we became true soldiers of Christ, and our body became a temple of the Holy Spirit. The holy apostle Paul reminds us of this great truth and instructs us to live like this: ‘Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God? You are not your own; you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body’ (1 Cor. 6:19–20)”.

The bishop urged the faithful not to stop praying for Ukraine and our soldiers: “On this day of Pentecost, let us pray today for our soldiers that the Holy Spirit will endow them with all the necessary gifts to fight against visible and invisible enemies.” So, after the Divine Liturgy, everyone prayed together for peace and tranquilly in Ukraine and for our army.

Therefore, those present gathered in the parish hall, where they had the opportunity to chat and celebrate this Feast of the Descending of the Holy Spirit together over delicious treats.

Press office of the Melbourne Eparchy

See also