The Head of the UGCC congratulated the newly elected protohegumen of the Lviv Province of the Redemptorist Fathers

November 14, 2022, 22:28 22

On November 14, 2022, the Most Reverend Father Volodymyr Boreyk was elected as the new protohegumen of the Lviv Province of the Order of the Most Holy Redeemer. Father and Head of the UGCC, His Beatitude Sviatoslav, congratulated Father Volodymyr on his election. Furthermore, he entrusted his ministry under the special care of the Most Holy Mother of God, who is glorified by many miracles in the icon of Perpetual Help.

The Head of the UGCC congratulated the newly elected protohegumen of the Lviv Province of the Redemptorist Fathers

Father Volodymyr Boreyk was elected protohegumen of the Lviv Province of the Redemptorist Fathers for a five-year cadence until 2027.

“This choice is an act of great trust of your confreres in you and a sign of support for your service for the good of the Order. Through you, I convey my words of gratitude to the Redemptorist fathers for their sacrificial service, which is a blessing for our Church, — wrote the Head of the Church in a congratulatory letter. — Your service during the war with the Russian invader is especially praiseworthy, full of numerous examples of helping those who suffered, whose homes were destroyed, and who lost their livelihood. Your monasteries opened doors to the needy, listening to the Lord’s commandment to be close to those who suffer.”

His Beatitude Sviatoslav wished the new protohegumen that, starting a new cadence, he would be open to the action of the Holy Spirit because his administration fell on hard times. “The ongoing war has brought great destruction and, worst of all, numerous casualties. Where can we get the strength to be adept executors of God’s will? Listen to apostle Paul’s words: ‘And we know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into his plans’. Ask our Lord Jesus Christ to give you strength and the grace of the Holy Spirit so that the province you lead can serve the wounded Ukrainians with dignity. Be for them living witnesses of God’s love and mercy, which will heal their wounds with the peace of God’s graces in the Holy Mysteries,” the Primate urged. Entrusting the ministry of Father Volodymyr Boreyk to the special care of the Mother of God, glorified in the icon of Perpetual Help, the Head of the UGCC assured him of support for all initiatives aimed at the development of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, the preaching of God’s word and the good of God-loving people.

“I ask the merciful God that the period of your rule will be marked by strengthening the Order and zealous vocations to a life consecrated to God. I beg you for the gifts of God you need to carry out your ministry and give you my archpastoral blessing”.

The UGCC Department for Information

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