“We are children of the people of Ukraine and have our spiritual front”: Bishop Bohdan Dziurakh in Leipzig

April 25, 2023, 20:00 26

On April 23, Bishop Bohdan Dziurakh, Apostolic Exarch for Ukrainians of the Byzantine Rite in Germany and Scandinavia, visited the parish of St. George in Leipzig, where Ukrainians celebrated the feast day of the church.

“We are children of the people of Ukraine and have our spiritual front”: Bishop Bohdan Dziurakh in Leipzig

In his sermon, the bishop, mentioning the feat of St. George, emphasized the importance of man’s alliance with God in the struggle against evil, in which he becomes victorious thanks to God’s grace, which strengthens him.

Thus, drawing the audience’s attention to the war between the Russian occupiers and Ukrainians, the bishop entrusted the defenders of Ukraine to the intercession of St. George, calling them defenders of truth, justice, life, and love. “Our defenders are standing at the front at that moment, protecting their land and watering it with their blood, thus protecting something more — the space of dignity, freedom, truth, goodness, and love. And this space extends beyond the Ukrainian land. Today, the whole of Europe and the whole world understand that Ukrainians are defending the world, defending modern civilization from modern barbarism, which is ready to destroy everything in its path,” the bishop emphasized.

“We are children of the people of Ukraine and have our spiritual front. Victory on this front will decide the closeness of victory on the other front,” said Bishop Bohdan, speaking of the participation of every Ukrainian in this war on the way to victory, which will depend on encountering the risen Jesus.

Bishop Bohdan shared the experience of his visit to Ukraine, where he twice visited the Field of Mars in Lviv, where the defenders of Ukraine are buried. There, the bishop met the grieving families of the victims, to whom he expressed his support and gratitude. “The experience of death is painful. But in that death experience, we meet the risen Christ because the cross is not a sign of the end of death and suffering. On the contrary, the cross is a sign of resurrection, of victory. It is the most important victory banner, defeating all the powers of the evil of all times — hades and even death. So the resurrected Christ comes as a conqueror over death. And He proclaims that death is not the end, but only the door to eternal life with Him — the living and life-giving God,” said the preacher.

Speaking about the war in Ukraine, Bishop Bohdan emphasized that not everything is solved in diplomatic negotiations and on the battlefield. “The most important battle takes place in the human heart. Therefore, each of us can and should make a great contribution to the victory over the forces of evil in this world,” said the bishop.

“We are anxious but do not despair, for our hope is the risen Christ. May He touch the heart and souls of each of you today. May He remove all anxiety, sadness, and fear so that you may renew your desire to live, create, love, and share the love,” concluded Bishop Bohdan.

The UGCC Department for Information
based on the materials of the Apostolic exarchate in Germany and Scandinavia

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