Zhyve TV starts a continuous broadcast of Jesus Prayer for Ukraine’s victory and just peace

March 28, 2023, 19:12 80

On Monday, March 27, Zhyve Television began a continuous broadcast of the Jesus Prayer. Readings from the Holy Scriptures accompany the prayer.

Zhyve TV starts a continuous broadcast of Jesus Prayer for Ukraine’s victory and just peace

Two years ago, on Sunday, February 7, 2021, the first broadcast of the Jesus Prayer took place on Zhyve Television at 8:00 PM (20:00). The prayer was recited in a chant.

“Since then, we have over eighty recorded broadcasts in the archive. We combined them and started a continuous broadcast on the Zhyve TV YouTube channel. The broadcast starts on Monday morning and lasts until the Sunday broadcast of the Divine Liturgy, and so on consistently,” explained Fr Ihor Yatsiv, director of Zhyve TV.

Continuous broadcasting came from the spiritual practice of prayer vigils. Therefore, whenever a person visits the Zhyve TV channel, they can join the prayer for Ukraine’s victory and just peace.

“We are glad to mention that during the first day of the broadcast, there was not a single minute when no one was at prayer. Even at night, no less than fifteen prayers were combined simultaneously,” said Fr. Ihor.

The UGCC Department for Information

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