“A just peace is not a utopia”: His Beatitude Sviatoslav in an interview with the Italian channel TV2000

June 23, 2023, 22:17 43

A just peace is attainable, and it is not a utopia. His Beatitude Sviatoslav, the Father and Head of the UGCC, said this today on the TV channel of the Italian Bishops’ Conference “TV2000”.

“A just peace is not a utopia”: His Beatitude Sviatoslav in an interview with the Italian channel TV2000

“What is vital here,” said the Head of the UGCC, “is that the right to exist of the 40 million Ukrainian people is recognized. If it is recognized, we can reach a dialogue, embark on negotiations and plan our future together. It would be the beginning of speaking about the recognition of rights. It would be an imperative and fundamental thing.”

“The main reason why the Russian aggressor had attacked us,” His Beatitude Sviatoslav reminded, “is Russia’s rejection of the very fact that the Ukrainian people exist and that they exist as a nation with their own culture, language, history, and even Church. This peace will not be achieved until Russia acknowledges its neighbor.”

The UGCC Department for Information
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