From the Head of the UGCC on the 257th day of the war: Love is the power which enables Ukrainians stand and win today

November 7, 2022, 11:22 24

In particular, it is love for the Motherland. The Father and Head of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church His Beatitude Sviatoslav said in his daily military address on the 257th day of Russia’s war against Ukraine.

From the Head of the UGCC on the 257th day of the war: Love is the power which enables Ukrainians stand and win today

On this day, the Patriarch continued reflecting on how we have to heal the wounds of Ukrainian people here in Ukraine and outside the country.

“Combating a disease means fighting its cause. How should we properly cooperate with God, a physician, or a doctor? There are three principles for a sick person to become healthy. The first thing is not to be ashamed of your wound or illness. The second is to realize what happened to me and what I am going through. And, therefore, do not be embarrassed to ask for help because usually, a sick person cannot heal himself,” the Archbishop said.

In his opinion, many wounded by the war need psychological and spiritual support to return to a peaceful life. It is worth realizing that we all are hurt in one way or another and need some help to overcome our inner anxieties. But this need for help should not embarrass us.

War awakens indescribable pain due to losses and fear for life and the future. But the hand of the Lord-Healer touches us, and the art of a skilled psychologist or doctor helps us.

“We must learn, not be ashamed to admit if we do not know something, — emphasized His Beatitude Sviatoslav. — To study to become wiser and stronger. And then the Lord will give us wisdom, strength, and, therefore, the grace of the Holy Spirit. The real power that restores the integrity of the human being and the harmony of the soul, spirit, and body.”

“Let us listen to the words of the righteous Metropolitan Andrey about love for the Motherland, which will help us heal many national wounds. The Metropolitan tells us this: ‘After love for God and family, there should be love for Ukrainian people and the Motherland. You are connected with your people and the Motherland not only by a common faith, which we consider the greatest good, and a holy rite, which we cherish but also by a common language and customs. The holy land on which we live bound us together. A centuries-old past, common Ukrainian blood, common good, and our shared future unite us. Common desires and needs bind us, as well as shared patience and poverty’,” cited His Beatitude Sviatoslav.

The UGCC Department for Information

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