Patriarchal Foundation “Wise Cause” supplemented with five new vehicles
The Patriarchal Foundation “Wise Cause” expands its logistics with the help of five new vehicles.

On August 19, on the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, the Father and Head of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, His Beatitude Sviatoslav, consecrated five cars for the needs of the logistics center of the Patriarchal Foundation “Wise Cause.”
Father Lubomyr Yavorskyi, Patriarchal Economist, notes that effective cooperation with various donor organizations from around the world already exists as part of the “Wise Cause.” “One of such organizations which strongly supports us is a French charity foundation ‘Oeuvre d’Orient.’ They support our various charity projects. In fact, we purchased these five trucks for their funds. Today, we will send them off to logistics locations.”
According to the priest, the cars will deliver food kits to Ukrainians along the entire front line.
Since the beginning of the war, the “Wise Cause” Foundation, created by the Patriarch, has been actively implementing three large-scale projects with the help of benefactors. The first is the already mentioned production of grocery sets.
The second project is evacuation routes carried out by the Patriarchal Pilgrimage Center. Workers and volunteers go to Mykolaiv and Zaporizhzhia, from where they take people to safer regions, trying to take care of temporary housing and basic necessities. It is feasible due to the already developed cooperation with the parish shelters that have emerged with the beginning of the war.
The third project is spiritual rehabilitation pilgrimages for internally displaced persons to various shrines in the western regions of Ukraine. This project is also implemented in cooperation with the Patriarchal Pilgrimage Center. During its implementation, pilgrims had the opportunity to visit the Marian Spiritual Center “Zarvanytsia,” Zhovkva, Krehiv, Kolomyia and other holy places.
“The Patriarchal Foundation ‘Wise Cause’ was established so that, with the help of various benefactors, our Church could be the salt of the earth, the evangelical leaven that could change our society. But so it happened that it began its activities at the very beginning of the war. Therefore, the first need today is to save people. Feed the hungry, give water to the thirsty, and take the one who needs evacuation out from under Russian missiles and bombs. And we hope these vehicles will serve as the ‘ambulance of the Church’ for those who need it the most. We are grateful to all those who believed in this ‘Wise Cause,’ said His Beatitude Sviatoslav at the end of the consecration of the cars.
The UGCC Department for Information