Russia is simultaneously committing ecocide and genocide of the Ukrainian people: Head of the UGCC on the 69th week of the war

June 12, 2023, 07:00 250

The most alarming is that the Russians are not saving people, but killing them, shooting at those who want to save lives. Criminals watch in cold blood as people die, stated by the Father and Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, His Beatitude Sviatoslav, in a traditional video address on the 69th week of the full-scale invasion of the Russian occupier on peaceful Ukrainian land.

Russia is simultaneously committing ecocide and genocide of the Ukrainian people: Head of the UGCC on the 69th week of the war

Evacuation of local residents from flooded villages in Kherson region, photo: AP / Evgeniy Maloletka

The Primate noted that having no success on the battlefield and being unable to crush the spirit of courage of the Ukrainian army, Russian criminals are shelling peaceful towns and villages and continue to commit war crimes.

“But the enemy fails to demoralize us. Ukrainians are uniting more and more, collaborating, and helping each other. And today, I want the world to hear again: Ukraine stands, Ukraine fights, Ukraine prays!” said the Head of the Church.

He noted that a pivotal event took place this week that will go down in history as one of the most fateful man-made disasters in Europe today — on the night of June 6, Russians blew up the dam of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant. Before that, they deliberately had raised the water level in the Kakhovka Sea to increase the deadly force of the wave.

“Today we already classify this type of action as ecocide — a crime against the environment and genocide — the deliberate mass destruction of the Ukrainian population in the occupied territories,” said His Beatitude Sviatoslav.

The Primate expressed pain over the fact that the world community and international organizations have barely reacted to this crime, and the International Committee of the Red Cross, which was the only hope for saving Ukrainians in the occupied territory, is doing nothing.

His Beatitude Sviatoslav thanked all those who, at different levels in different countries, have actively contributed to the noble deed of saving Ukrainians, so today, emergency aid is being sent to Ukraine to save those whose right to life is being taken away by water, which the Russians have turned into a weapon of mass destruction in our homeland.

According to him, our entire Church, including Ukraine, is mobilizing to save those who have suffered from this crime. Our parishes are collecting everything they need, especially drinking water. The Patriarchal Foundation “Wise Cause” is preparing additional food packages to be sent to the disaster area.

The Head of the UGCC once again called on the international community: “Do not be afraid to tell the truth about the crime of the Russians, which caused such a great disaster to man and God’s creation! Let God’s truth be the guiding star, our light in these difficult circumstances.”

The UGCC Department for Information

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