Solidarity in time of war brings us hope: Head of the UGCC on the 95th week of war

December 11, 2023, 07:15 45

We appeal to all international institutions to raise their voices in defense of the oppressed believers in the territories occupied by Russia, in defense of international humanitarian law, which ensures religious freedom even in times of war, the Father and Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church stated on the 95th week of Russia’s great war against Ukraine.

Solidarity in time of war brings us hope: Head of the UGCC on the 95th week of war

The Primate noted that blood is pouring again, and Ukrainians are dying in different parts of our homeland: “The enemy is not only relentlessly attacking positions along the entire front line, but also killing our civilians. Russian bombs and missiles hit Kharkiv and Mykolaiv region. Patients in a Kherson hospital were killed. During this great wave of suffering, Russia fired cruise missiles at Ukraine. It was the largest massive attack on Ukraine in the last 80 days of the war.”

“Despite the pain, fatigue, and tears, we want the world to hear our voice today: Ukraine stands! Ukraine fights! Ukraine prays!” the Head of the Church emphasized.

The spiritual leader noted that this week was a week of bright hope for Ukrainians: “On December 6, we celebrated the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine — we prayed for the sons and daughters of our Motherland who are fighting and dying at the front. According to the new calendar, St. Nicholas Day falls on the same day. Amidst the darkness of war, sorrow, and fatigue, we experienced a sense of joy and hope because St. Nicholas is the embodiment of God’s love and His mercy in the tradition and spiritual life of our people.”

His Beatitude Sviatoslav said that these days, the residence of the Head of the Church in Lviv has been converted into the residence of Saint Nicholas: “Thousands of Ukrainian children passed through our house. They experienced the joy of receiving a gift and meeting St. Nicholas and were filled with hope that together we can overcome sorrow and fatigue.”

According to him, all the proceeds from these visits to St. Nicholas will be channeled to the Fund to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine. “Solidarity in time of war is a testimony of active love following the example of St. Nicholas and brings us hope,” he said.

The Primate also noted with concern that this week, it became known that the occupation authorities in Zaporizhzhia had banned the activities of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and all humanitarian Catholic institutions, not only of our Church, at the stroke of a pen, as it turned out, for a long time. “All religious organizations and communities, except for the Russian Orthodox Church, have been subjected to brutal oppression,” said His Beatitude Sviatoslav.

He asked the whole of Ukraine and the whole world not to forget about our brothers and sisters in the occupied territories. “We appeal to international institutions: do not forget about the pain of Ukraine, do not turn the suffering of our people into diplomatic or political games! Ukraine needs international help to continue to spread joy and help those who are suffering,” the spiritual leader called.

The UGCC Department for Information

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