Video-message of the Head of the UGCC on the 159th Week of Full-Scale War, March 2, 2025

March 2, 2025, 20:40 3

Glory to Jesus Christ!

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ!

The 159th week of the horrific, large-scale war in Ukraine has come to an end. While we know that the war has been ongoing since 2014, this week stands out not only for the heavy fighting along the frontlines and the daily aerial attacks on our cities and villages, but also as a week of intense international diplomatic upheaval. Once again, Ukraine fought for its rights, dignity, and justice—even in the context of peace. We have testified to the world that true peace, a real peace treaty, cannot be achieved without truth and justice.

Today, many people debate the territories of Ukraine, but our Church and our state remain steadfast in protecting our people, their lives, their rights, their freedom, and their very right to exist.

This week, we once again addressed the international community, particularly during the session of the Permanent Synod in Canada. We held meetings not only with the local community, but also with representatives of the Catholic Church in Canada and leaders of the Canadian government. Everywhere we went, we voiced the pain of Ukraine, sought allies, and defended the dignity of our people across the civil, social, and religious spheres.

Despite all that has happened this week, I now address all our people—the citizens of Ukraine: Do not fear the mighty of this world! Despite what the world may say about us, the Lord God loves us. He is our one true ally. Today, He speaks to us: “Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save.” (Psalm 145:3). Even when we receive conflicting signals from various Western capitals, we must remain calm, with hearts burning for Ukraine’s victory, and with wills of steel.

Therefore, in the name of the long-suffering Ukrainian people, we proclaim once more to the world: Ukraine stands! Ukraine fights! Ukraine prays!

This Sunday, our Church in Ukraine and in the diaspora embarks on the journey of Lent. This Sunday, which marks the doorway to Lent, is also known as Forgiveness Sunday. It is the Sunday when we come to realize that, in order to be brave enough to ask for forgiveness for our own sins, we must first remember those people and circumstances where we have been hurt.

The forgiveness we have received from God should be shared with one another—especially with our relatives, friends, neighbors, and members of our parish community. The power of God’s love, the power of His forgiveness, is the key to a Christian’s resilience and invincibility in the fight against evil.

As we enter the season of Lent, I urge you to focus on three actions that are essential for true fasting.

First, it is the ability to take control of ourselves. This is true fasting—abstaining from everything that distracts us, steals our attention, and consumes our time, energy, and strength. Therefore, I urge each of you to create your own personal agenda for the Lenten season, focusing on overcoming the distractions that pull you away from God. Let this Lent be yours. Let us fast from sin and sinful actions, abstaining from all evil!

Second is prayer. Through fasting, we receive what we pray for. Prayer is essential for healing the wound of sin. It is in the space of prayer that the Lord God sends His Holy Spirit to all who ask for it. Prayer is the moment when our spiritual strength is restored. So, let us make time for prayer during this season! Let us find more moments to be with God, to speak to Him, and to listen to Him.

Third is almsgiving. Let us consider what we can do for our neighbor. No one is so poor, as the Holy Fathers say, that they cannot show mercy and perform acts of kindness. It is not just about giving money—let us also sacrifice our time and attention to help those in need and distress.

These three dimensions of our Lenten journey—fasting, prayer, and almsgiving—will guide us.

We know that the Lenten path is a path of victory, because Christ has already defeated evil. During Lent, we must make this victory of good over evil visible in our personal lives, our families, communities, and nation.

May the Lord God bless you all! Let us embark on the journey to the Resurrection of Christ this Lent!

The blessing of the Lord be upon you, through His grace and love for mankind, always, now and forever, and for the ages of ages. Amen.

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