“We are grateful to the peoples of Europe for their solidarity”: Head of the UGCC on the 96th week of the war

December 18, 2023, 09:15 31

Ordinary people — Poles, Germans, residents of Scandinavian countries feel Ukraine’s—pain acutely as if it were their own because this war seems to have opened old wounds in Europe. These people want to say no to aggression, no to war. His Beatitude Sviatoslav, the Father and Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, said this on the 96th week of the great war that the Russian invaders brought to the Ukrainian land.

 “We are grateful to the peoples of Europe for their solidarity”: Head of the UGCC on the 96th week of the war

Illustrative photo, Getty Images

The Primate notes that the enemy is advancing across the front line and attempting to attack the positions of our troops with increasing frequency. The Ukrainian land continues to burn even in the snow during winter. The enemy terrorizes our peaceful towns and villages every day and every night.

“Amid this pain and suffering, the iron will of the Ukrainian people to be free is forged like steel. Ukrainians never cease to defend their homeland. We want the world to hear us: Ukraine stands, Ukraine fights, Ukraine prays!” said His Beatitude Sviatoslav.

The spiritual leader stated that the previous week, we received good news from the heart of the European Union—negotiations on Ukraine’s accession to the family of European nations have finally been launched.

“It was vital for the Ukrainian society, exhausted and sore from the scourge of war, to feel the solidarity of European countries,” said the Head of the Church and continued: “Apparently, there is still a long way to go to realize the European dream of our people. But these open doors are a moral support for us today, a comfort that in their struggle for freedom, Ukrainians are not left alone with a Russian aggressor who is stronger than us. We are grateful to the people of Europe for their solidarity!”

According to His Beatitude Sviatoslav, by God’s miraculous will, the invitation to Ukraine to continue its journey of returning to the family of European nations came at the same time as the regular session of the Permanent Synod of Bishops of the UGCC, which was held in Chernivtsi.

“And in Chernivtsi, our bishops from America, Germany, and Poland brought good news for the Ukrainian people—they reaffirmed what the leaders of the European Union said—the people of Europe stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine.”

“God, send the light of hope for our homeland, bless our people with Your Christmas peace that comes from heaven,” the spiritual leader prayed.

The UGCC Department for Information

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