Archbishop Borys participates in the University of Notre Dame conference Revolutions of Hope: Resilience and Recovery in Ukraine

March 9, 2025, 19:17 46

From March 6–8, 2025, the University of Notre Dame hosts Revolutions of Hope: Resilience and Recovery in Ukraine, an international and interdisciplinary conference dedicated to examining the ethics and politics of hope in contemporary Ukraine. Organized by the Nanovic Institute for European Studies at Notre Dame’s Keough School of Global Affairs in collaboration with Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU), the event brought together scholars and leaders to discuss pathways to renewal and resilience.

Archbishop Borys participates in the University of Notre Dame conference Revolutions of Hope: Resilience and Recovery in Ukraine

Among the featured speakers was Archbishop Borys Gudziak, Metropolitan-Archbishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia and President of UCU, who shared insights on fostering hope for Ukraine’s future. He was joined by Rory Finnin, professor of Ukrainian Studies at the University of Cambridge, as they led a thought-provoking discussion on Ukraine’s ongoing struggle and path to recovery.

Archbishop Borys stressed the importance of decolonizing Slavic studies in the U. S. and expressed hope that many other universities would follow the example set by the University of Notre Dame.

Discussing the Ukraine’s agency, the Archbishop stated that Ukraine’s response to the war is grounded in the social teaching of the Catholic Church—defense of human dignity, solidarity, subsidiarity, and the common good— and shows clear signs of agency. “This agency should be protected from the bully by global solidarity,” he emphasized.

He also spoke about his trip to eastern Ukraine in September 2024, where he witnessed firsthand the resilience and strength of people directly affected by the war. “People are finding their hope in each other,” he said.

Additionally, he highlighted the role of faith in eternity, stating, “There is a profound understanding that there is something more important than our lives.” When discussing what Ukraine can teach the world the Archbishop suggested that Ukraine can give America hope and encourage it not to be afraid.



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